Kush Garg
2 min readApr 16, 2021

See, you can’t figure out by seeing a successful person how he/she stands out. I am here to tell you today that the only reason they stand out is they changed their small habits!! They went step by step. They just changed their clumsy and procrastinating habits into productivity. Instead of binge-watching Netflix, they went for a jog, instead of recklessly playing video games they read books, instead of buying a lot of stuff they practiced minimalism! They did not exactly change their habits, they just replaced them with something productive and fruitful. You may find some stupidity in what I am saying but this is the truth.

Follow these and success will follow you 👇


It is the biggest step to success. Many people think that BUYING a lot of stuff can make the result more fruitful and bring them more happiness, THEY ARE WRONG, I call them VICTIMS. Maximalism could never or will never beat minimalism. Minimalism will lead to productivity as in this process one is getting rid of the unwanted stuff (garbage). This is the first and the most crucial step to success :)


You can find many people saying “HEALTH IS WEALTH” but what does it mean? It basically means that health is the real treasure, no money can buy you more happy days of living a healthy lifestyle! So in the end money is useless when compared to HEALTH. We all tend to sacrifice health to quench the thirst for more money, but that will lead you to nowhere. So keeping good health is quite necessary. We just need to have control over our taste buds and we can change our future, also, having knowledge about the right diet is a *must*.


Problems related to time management are faced by 90 percent of the population. This step is the most difficult step. See, We have 24 hours in a day, if we take vague data, nobody will take more than 12 hours a day combining sleep and eating. So now we are left with 12 hours a day. What do we do in these 14 hours? do we do something fecund or do we temporize? The decision is ours.

For managing your time make a routine, jot down your todos. include practices like meditation and mindfulness. Give time to your body and your mind. You can give time to your mind by doing something that you like to do.

Follow these Lil habits, no one can stop you.




Kush Garg

hey there , I am a 14 year old and quite fond of professional article writing!